Kierrätysmuovi Sinituotteella
Olemme käyttäneet kierrätysmuovia tuotannossamme jo pitkään. Tällä hetkellä noin 60 prosenttia omilla tehtaillamme käytetystä muoviraaka-aineesta on kierrätettyä. Teemme koko ajan tarkkaa tutkimus- ja testaustyötä, jotta voimme hyödyntää kierrätysmuovia mahdollisimman monessa tuotteessa.

High-Quality Products Made from Recycled Plastic
We’ve been using recycled plastic in our production for quite some time now. Currently, about 60% of the plastic raw materials used in our factories are recycled. We’re constantly conducting thorough research and testing to incorporate recycled plastic into as many of our products as possible.
When it comes to cleaning tools, durability is key, and they can be quite technical. For instance, a single mop might contain up to six different types of plastic, each with its own unique properties. Unfortunately, there still isn’t enough variety in recycled plastics to completely replace all virgin plastic, but we’re working towards that goal!

Despite the challenges, we’re determined to boost the use of recycled plastic because we believe it plays a crucial role in tackling two major global environmental crises: climate change and the plastic waste surge. We can reduce plastic waste through new innovations and by reusing materials. Plus, the carbon footprint of recycled plastic is at least 50% smaller than that of virgin plastic.
Did you know that plastic can be recycled up to seven times before its quality deteriorates? That’s why our goal is to make it possible to recycle even products like dish brushes in the future

A Super Year for Recycled Plastic
In 2023, we collaborated with Fortum to create a frost-resistant recycled plastic material, primarily made from Fortum Circo®. This innovation marks an incredible advancement, allowing us to utilize recycled plastic in even more versatile ways moving forward.

The year 2023 was truly a milestone for us in terms of recycled plastic, as we successfully transitioned about 50 products from using virgin plastic to incorporating recycled materials, either fully or partially. We also started using recycled PET bottles in the production of our microfiber products, such as cloths and mops.
The themes of recycling and reducing plastic waste were prominent in our product development efforts. We introduced a new Sorting Box alongside our Recycling Bins to make sorting at home easier. Additionally, our line of tablet cleaning sprays, launched in 2022, expanded to include a dishwashing detergent.