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Microfibre Universal Mop

Microfibre Universal Mop

Regular price 15,90 €
15,90 € Regular price Sale price


The Microfibre Universal Mop is a high-efficiency floor mop designed to tackle even the toughest grime. It works excellently with our Multipurpose Mop Frame, which is sold seperatly.

The mop can be used to clean all floor surfaces and walls without breaking a sweat. It is suitable for both dry, damp and wet cleaning. When the mop is dry, it becomes statically charged and effectively collects dust. When damp, it gently removes dirt and grease, even without detergents.

Product information

Size Information

Length: 44 cm
Width: 13.5 cm



How to use

Dampen the Microfibre Universal Mop in a bucket of water or with a spray bottle, then squeeze out any excess water. Attach the mop to the extruded hooks on the bottom of our Multipurpose Mop. Ensure the floor does not remain wet after wiping. If it is still wet, you may have used too much water. The Microfibre Universal Mop can also be used dry to collect loose debris and dust. 

After each use, clean the mop thoroughly. Remove dust, per hair and loose debris with a soft brush or by shaking it outside. Rinse the mop and allow it to air dry. The Microfibre Universal Mop lasts dozens of washes in a washing machine at 60°C in a laundry bag, without fabric softener or bleach.

Recycling Instructions

Microfibre mop: energy waste
Packaging board: recycled board

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Jo tilatessaan tietää, että saa laadukkaan tuotteen. Käteen sopiva yleismoppi ja mukava käyttää .

irja v.

ostin lahjaksi tämän lapsenlapselle kun muutti omaan asuntoon, itselläni on tämä tuote ollut jo kauan,siksi päädyin ostamaan.

Tuija P.
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