6 Things you should know about us

We know what you’re probably thinking; “Blaah, here’s the big S-word again. Isn’t every company talking about it these days”. And you’re right, sustainability has become quite a mantra. Because of all the spin, it can be very confusing for us customers to know which companies and products really are doing a good job what comes to filling environmental criteria.

To help you quickly form an understanding on how SINI operates as a company, here’s a six-point list to sum up our sustainability efforts. And if you feel like digging deeper, you are most welcome to download our full sustainability report from the bottom of this article. Alright, here we go: 

1. 38 % Recycled plastic and counting

The share of recycled plastic in plastic raw materials reached 38% in 2022. By 2030, 100% of the plastic we use in our own production will be recycled or made of non-fossil raw material.

2. 100 % Carbon neutral manufacturing in Finland

In 2020 something amazing happened: we managed to turn all of our manufacturing in Finland carbon neutral! This was achieved gradually by doing things smarter and greener. We focused on reducing our carbon footprint in all operations. The result is pretty cool.

3. 15 % of electricity made with solar power

We recently built our own solar power plant on the roof of our Kokemäki and Akaa factories. Remarkably, they now produce 15 % of the factories' electricity needs, although the summers are notoriously short here in Finland.

4. Zero waste to landfills

As in all industrial production, waste is generated also in the production of cleaning products. We have 207,300 kg of it per year. It is all carefully sorted and utilized in the best possible way. We are today proudly a zero waste company.

5. 96 % of our products are made in Europe

Manufacturing things near the people who buy them makes a lot of sense. It’s also important for us to ensure that the working conditions are top-notch: that’s why we have our factories close by. 80 % of our products are manufactured in Finland at our own carbon neutral factories in Kokemäki and Akaa.

6. Do good in society

Our north star in being entrepreneurs is that a successful company must spread goodness into society at large, other than financial benefit. This is why we have over the years participated in multiple charity projects. We’ve also built the SINI School in Tanzania in a remote bush village, and we keep on supporting our school and its over 500 students, working directly and closely with the local village.